Black Games Archive is a multimedia, public-facing database of games, digital resources, accessible scholarship, and designer interviews that are relevant to the intersections between Black culture, games, and play.

Trammell critiques the exclusionary nature of conventional play theories rooted in a White, European tradition and calls upon a Black history of play to redefine it as a complex, transformative space that is both individual and universal, pleasurable and painful. By accounting for these less pleasure-centric and validating histories of play, he argues, we can better appreciate a more honest understanding of play as a site for grievance as well as healing.

Shana Teri Bryant is an Executive Producer at Oculus Publishing, the 2020 Black in Gaming Image Award recipient, and developer on projects such as: Resident Evil 5 (2009), Destination Mars (2016) The Outer Worlds (2019), and Marvel’s Avengers (2020).